Have a cool idea? Have a vision you’d like to turn into reality? Want to collaborate?
Want to fund a Large Scale Art Installation?
Want me to teach a workshop in your city, or speak at your next event?
Maybe, you simply have a question… I am excited to connect and look forward to hearing from you!
Please fill out the contact form below and I’ll get back to you soon
Sydney Duarte
Custom artwork
Interested in custom work? Let our paint brushes tell your story. My @duarte_designs team creates unique pieces to accommodate you and your needs (murals, logos, illustration, architectural renderings, portrait drawings, chalkboard signage, sculptures, 3D props, installation art pieces and so much more) All styles and sizes!
My job is to market your brand. My mission is to beautify spaces. My purpose is to inspire others while bringing color and life to cities around the World, helping to transform spaces and create vibrant neighborhoods that people want to visit, live in, and take care of. It’s no secret that murals make communities beautiful. They add color to building walls and streets that would otherwise go unnoticed, which is enticing for locals and tourists alike. My team and I work with large property groups to guide them throughout the process from start to finish and assist in designing and creating multi-functional canvases that include lighting elements, sculptural elements, and nature elements. One of the most significant advantages of urban murals on new developments is their ability to bridge communities. These art installations help to foster a sense of connectedness among residents and visitors by providing a shared point of interest and conversation.
We are open to new ideas and are happy to make suggestions if you’re not sure where to begin. We work with top brands and advertising agencies worldwide to assist in making lasting impressions. With over 30 years of experience in painting commissioned murals, we guarantee visually striking and on-time commercial artwork that will elevate your brand's image to attract more customers, residents and community engagement. Our unique ability to directly transfer predetermined artwork for your business allows for the seamless execution of your visual campaign. If there is anything you ever need, we’ve got you covered.
Motivational Speaking &
Guest Teaching
Face to face connection is my favorite. If you are hosting an event that is in need of a guest speaker/team building guide/fitness trainer, please reach out.
I love to share my words and experiences on the topics of wellness, oneness, adventure and real life experiences, and will never turn down the opportunity to teach others how to connect back with their mind and body.
Making an impact on a larger scale There is no planet B. We only have one Earth. One home. Let’s do better, together
For me, every day is Earth Day. Taking time each day to honor the Earth, the moon, the stars, as well as ourselves, our loved ones, and our fellow humans. My artwork guides others to do the same, as they take in the beauty and learn more about the work that I am supporting.
Global Sustainability Support & Awareness - I love supporting innovative ways to heal our planet. My heart jumps for joy every time I have the opportunity to introduce others to the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute started by Benki Piyako, who has manually planted over 3 million trees to date in deforested areas of the Amazon Jungle. The health of the Amazon affects the World. Imagine how much new life can be planted if we all work together. The nature murals that Duarte Designs brings to life are to help tie folks to this element of sustainable living by displaying colorful elements of nature to represent the Earth and educate visitors on the beautiful work being done for the forests.
Benki's goal: To plant 10 million trees in the Amazon while creating tangible solutions to preserve the environment, traditional knowledge + Indigenous culture. They have secured 3000 acres of deforested land where they are reforesting and bringing nearly extinct animals back to population. Why trees? Tree planting (when done correctly) can be one of the most efficient and scalable ways to mitigate climate change, sequestering up to 23% of global emissions, YET it is currently only given 3% of climate funding. Reforestation also helps to restore biodiversity and provide sustained income to the local community. When it comes down to it, there are A LOT of ways to change the world for the better. I fully recognize that, but heartfelt projects like Yorenka Tasorentsi are a great place to start. A little bit of change can go a long way.
To learn more, get involved, donate, you can visit their page HERE.
Sponsored Collaboration
I've loved working with brands like the Charlotte Hornets, Panthers, Charlotte FC, PGA Tour, AirBnb and more. I'm excited to work with you! If you are interested in promoting your brand or vision, you’ve come to the right place! I love helping others turn dreams into reality through genuine, kind-hearted collaborations; connecting with brands that are looking to expand their audience and share their passion.
Sponsored content via posts can be contracted for short term or long term basis. Let's see what we can create together.
Have something else in mind?
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Share your thoughts. I am always open to new ideas.