It’s the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you that will change your life. Your practice is your devotion to yourself. The mindfulness practices listed below are what I practice in my daily routine, or when I need to ground/reset/recharge. Each one has been fun to explore and dive deeper into learning more about myself and cultivating a better connection with my mind and body. I am so proud of you for investing in yourself and hope you enjoy them as much as I do on your journey to discovering the next best version of you.

I am always adding new materials to this library for you. If there is anything that you don’t see that you’d like to learn more about, please comment here so I can better assist/guide you, or point you in the right direction to someone that might be an expert in that field.



Breathwork is a combination of meditation and breathing techniques that are very easy to do. The conscious control of breathing is said to influence your mental, emotional and physical state, while offering a therapeutic effect.

Breath is the best gift you can give your body and mind. If you’ve ever been in class with me, you’ve heard me say “Deep breaths are like little live notes to your body, the deeper you breath, the more love you are giving yourself”.

Here is a short Box breath video to use when you need a quick reset of calm.

Earthing + grounding

Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, has a profound impact on the physiology. Connection with the Earth restores a lost electrical signal to the body. When you touch the ground with your bare feet or body, the electrons flow into you. This is called being “grounded.”

The earth’s surface has a virtually limitless supply of mobile electrons that gives the ground we walk on (as well as lakes and oceans) a natural negative electric charge. When you touch your body to the ground, it dissipates static electricity and extraneous environmental electrical charges that are on you. At the same time, you receive a charge of energy in the form of free electrons and your body synchronizes with the natural frequencies of the earth. 

If you aren’t able to physically get outside to connect your feet to the Earth, here are some wonderful earthing products to help you ground indoors.

gratitude practice

Gratitude is a state of mind in which a person consciously has a thankful appreciation for the tangible and intangible goodness life has to offer by giving it acknowledgement (Being grateful for a sunny day, a four-legged furry friend, or thankful you arrived at work safely)

Individuals who have a gratitude practice and appreciate the intricate connection we have to life are said to be happier and have a deeper sense of the world around them. Making gratitude a regular habit, whether you identify what you're grateful for (a roof over your head, a healthy meal, your pulse, a new opportunity) in your mind or write a list of things you're grateful for in a gratitude journal every day, can greatly improve your life.


Hydration + Spring Water

You are basically a house plant with more complicated emotions. Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

This section offers tips and tricks to stay hydrated and care for yourself daily.


Journaling assists in cultivating self-awareness, positivity, productivity, gratitude, enhances your memory, boosts your mood, helps combat stress and anxiety. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Take 5-10 minutes to find a free flow expression in your day, this is just another fun tool to help you lean into your deepest curiosity, follow your highest excitement and connect more authentically with yourself.

Set your intention and ask yourself why you’re journaling: Is it for therapy? To track progress/behavior/goals? To write pros/cons lists, or make decisions? To remember your history or dreams? To stretch your mind? To practice writing skills? So many options! Enjoy the flow!

The 5 minute journal is a great one to begin with if you prefer guided journaling.


Meditation is a practice where an individual uses technique such as breathwork, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

In this section, I’ve put together some of my favorite go-to’s, but if you prefer a guided version, here are some wonderful guided meditation options.


protection + Cleansing your energy

Energy protection is a way for you to prevent taking on negative energy. If you’re sensitive to energy and not aware of it, it can affect you. When energy gets stuck in one form, rather than flowing as its meant to, that is when you can experience difficulties or feel blocked, physically, mentally or emotionally.

Some places can have a build-up of negative or heavy energy that got stored in that place.  This does not mean that the place is a “bad” place, just that the energy never got transformed.  It is stuck in one form and isn’t flowing and changing as it is meant to.

We all have the ability to change, clear and protect energy within ourselves, spaces, and our environment. Using the Golden Bubble is my favorite way to begin every day. This is a great way to avoid taking on unwanted energies that aren’t for our highest and best good.

Self Care / Self Love

Self-care is a conscious act a person takes in order to promote their own physical, mental, emotional health and overall well-being.

There are many forms self-care can take. It could be ensuring you get enough sleep every night or stepping outside for a few minutes for some fresh air. Self-care is vital for building resilience toward stressors in life. When you've taken steps to care for your mind and body, you'll be better equipped to live your best life.

Unfortunately, however, many people view self-care as a luxury, rather than a priority. Consequently, they're left feeling overwhelmed, tired, and ill-equipped to handle life's inevitable challenges.

It's important to assess how you're caring for yourself so you can ensure you're caring for your mind, body, and spirit.

(I’m working on additional tools for you, coming soon)

sleep + restoration

Like exercise and diet, getting a good night sleep is important to your mental, physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Eating healthy food and exercising is always recommended but getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most crucial things you can do for your body.

Some helpful guided tools are: Tapping, Theta Healing Music, Bedtime Yoga


be kind to yo’ mind
stress relief + Managing mental health

Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances. From minor challenges to major crises, stress is part of life. And while you can't always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them.

When stress becomes overwhelming, or it's chronic, it can take a toll on your well-being. That's why it's important to have effective stress relievers that can calm your mind and your body. A quick way to reset and calm yourself is with Vagus Nerve Stimulation


The physical benefits of yoga are wonderful, but there are many important mental benefits as well, including mental clarity and stress reduction, (which can be more subtle but are just as powerful). When put together, these benefits contribute to increased feelings of overall well-being.

Here are some Free yoga classes to try at home. Or if you are in search of a light-hearted, inclusive, engaging yoga class, designed to both challenge AND support you, see my schedule for pop-up classes. If you feel more comfortable with one-on-one instruction, I offer Private Instruction for customized solo and group sessions. I look forward to exploring your practice together.

Bio-hacking + resources

Biohacking is all about making lifestyle changes to optimize the way your body functions. This section holds Tips & Tricks, Tools, Books, Podcasts, Heart Hugs, Teachers/Fitness and Nutrition Coaches, CHAKTI yoga, Task management techniques, Tongue Scraping, Oil pulling, Sun gazing, Eye-Gazing, CBD + Hemp Products for Pets and People, Essential Oils, Metal Detox, Crystals, Healing Frequencies and Sound Healing, Red and Near-Infared Light Therapy and more! All of my favorites in one little library.

(I’m working on additional tools for you, coming soon, but for now, the links above have tons of wonderful knowledge and practices for you)



Eco-innovative initiatives are where my heart lies, which to me, means you are ACTIVELY and directionally going towards lower impact. Everything we create has a footprint and that should never be overlooked 💚 Here are a few simple things you can do to help get you started to Go Green and help make a positive impact on the planet